So, originally I had planned on doing a post about my packing for NYC. But guess what? We are t-minus 36 hours till I need to be showered, dressed, packed and out the door....and I haven't packed a thing. Not one thing. Instead, I'm watching Despicable Me. Because, you know, priorities people. So, instead, let's talk about what I would put in my suitcase. Tomorrow. Let's start with the weather: it's going to be mostly in the 50s, although Saturday has a high of 45. A HIGH of 45. Now I know that for most of the country, that's a normal winter day. But in Southern California, we are weather wimps. Anything under 65 is our winter, and 45, during the day, is just not something we encounter very often. So while I actually like cold weather, and would love to imagine myself looking super cute like this on my trip:
It's probably gonna go more like this:
C'est la vie.
Haha, this post is great! Have a blast and I can't wait to hear all about it :)