Sunday, February 12, 2012

My weekend, and #16

For some reason, the last few weeks have felt really long. Work has been getting busier, and each weekend was flying by, packed with chores and errands. So I made a promise to myself - Saturday I would just rest and relax, guilt free. I spent the day reading and catching up on all the shows I missed during the week. Pretty sure the most strenuous thing I did all day was hit up the starbucks drive-thru. 

Today, I felt so much better and was ready to do something fun and different. I've been wanting to see the dinosaur exhibit at the Natural History Museum for a long time, so we headed over there. It was so cool! I'm kind of a history nerd, and dinosaurs have always boggled my mind, so I loved getting to learn more about them. (And the other exhibits were great too - we saw giant camels, walking whales, and mastodons from our own backyard!)

Also, I'm 99% sure they come to life at night. 

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